Document Type : original


1 Department of Statistics, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University, Faculty of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences


‎The recent advancements in technology have faced an increase in the growth rate of data‎.
‎According to the amount of data generated‎, ‎ensuring effective analysis using traditional approaches becomes very complicated‎.
‎One of the methods of managing and analyzing big data is classification‎.
‎%One of the data mining methods used commonly and effectively to classify big data is the MapReduce‎
‎In this paper‎, ‎the feature weighting technique to improve Bayesian classification algorithms for big data is developed based on Correlative Naive Bayes classifier and MapReduce Model‎.
‎%Classification models include Naive Bayes classifier‎, ‎correlated Naive Bayes and correlated Naive Bayes with feature weighting‎.
‎Correlated Naive Bayes classification is a generalization of the Naive Bayes classification model by considering the dependence between features‎.
‎%This paper uses the feature weighting technique and Laplace calibration to improve the correlated Naive Bayes classification‎.
‎The performance of all described methods are evaluated by considering accuracy‎, ‎sensitivity and specificity‎, ‎accuracy‎, ‎sensitivity and specificity metrics.


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