Computational Statistics
The vector autoregressive model with asymmetric shocks for the new cases and the new deaths of Covid-19 in Iran

Manijeh Mahmoodi; Mohammad Reza Salehi Rad; Farzad Eskandari

Volume 2, Issue 1 , December 2023, , Pages 79-93

  AbstractThe novel corona virus (covid-19) spread quickly from person to another and one of the basic aspects of the country management has been to prevent the spread of this disease. So the prediction of its expansion is very important. In such matters, the estimation of new cases and deaths in covid-19 ...  Read More

Inference on Pr(X > Y ) Based on Record Values From the Power Hazard Rate Distribution
Volume 1, Issue 1 , December 2022, , Pages 59-76

  In this article, we consider the problem of estimating the stress-strength reliability $Pr (X > Y)$ based on upper record values when $X$ and $Y$ are two independent but not identically distributed random variables from the power hazard rate distribution with common scale parameter $k$. When the parameter ...  Read More